
Dr. Bibi van Ginkel, LLM is the Programme Lead of the Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (PCVE) pillar of ICCT and Senior Research fellow. Her expertise spans a wide variety of focus areas of ICCT, from rule of law issues to trends and threat developments, counterterrorism, countering violent extremism responses, and prevention strategies, and the nexus between development and PCVE. She has published on this topics, as well as provided policy advise and training. In the PCVE pillar, she focuses on strengthening multi-stakeholder and multi-disciplinary approaches, ensuring global, national and local approaches are connected, using a human security lens to assess impact of policies and mitigate challenges,  and advising on context-specific and effective policy solutions. She is a strong advocate of monitoring and evaluation of policies based on well-developed theory of changes, and has conducted evaluations of the CT policies of the EU, the co-chairmanship of The Netherlands of the GCTF, and the cooperation between the UN and the GCTF. Some examples of research and policy advise include themes such as returning foreign fighters, right-wing and anti-establishment extremism, evidence collection on the battlefield, use of administrative measures in a counter-terrorism context, the do no harm principle as a guiding principle in CT and PCVE policy-making, assessment of local responses to radicalisation and extremism, development of multi-stakeholder PCVE policies.

Prior to joining ICCT as the PCVE Programme Lead, she worked as an independent consultant for her own company The Glocal Connection – Platform for Shared Security, and before that as senior research fellow at the Security Unit of the Clingendael Research Department of the Netherlands Institute for International Relations ‘Clingendael’, as well as research fellow for ICCT. She also worked as a senior consultant to United Nations Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate (UNCTED) on a project developing global guidelines to facilitate the collection of information and evidence by military and other relevant criminal law actors within a rule-of-law framework. She also worked as a consultant for UNODC, and worked as an implementer for the Criminal Justice and Rule of Law Working Group of the Global Counterterrorism Forum, developing several of the framework documents on battlefield evidence, administrative measures and the nexus between terrorism and transnational organised crime and international core crimes. She is an international lawyer by training and started her career at Utrecht University as an associate professor. She obtained her PhD at Utrecht University.

She is a regular  commentator in national and international media. Finally, she has served as a member of the Peace and Security Committee of the Dutch Advisory Council on International Affairs for 12 years. She is a member of the Advisory Council to the Royal Netherlands Marrechaussee, and the Netherlands Advisory Council on Public International Law (CAVV).

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