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Research Paper

Use of Diplomatic Assurances in Terrorism-related Cases: In search of a Balance between Security Concerns and Human Rights

02 Mar 2010

In this paper, Research Fellow Dr. Bibi van Ginkel and intern Federico Rojas analyse the different policies on diplomatic assurances in a number of countries that are representative of a certain trend and attempt to clarify the criteria that have to be fulfilled before assurance may be used. Key in the whole discussion surrounding the use of diplomatic assurances is finding the right balance between national security concerns and human rights obligations. The outcomes of the Expert Meeting on this topic, that took place on 22 March 2011, have been incorporated in this paper. 

How to cite: Ginkel, B. van, and F. Rojas. "Use of Diplomatic Assurances in Terrorim-related Cases: In search of a Balance between Security Concerns and Human Rights", The International Centre for Counter-Terrorism - The Hague 1, no. 1 (2010). DOI: