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In the media: Kacper Rekawek on the possibility of an alliance of the far left with the far right against Israel

June 16, 2024

On Sunday, 16th June 2024, Polish Radio Tokfm interviewed Kacper Rekawek on the possibility of an alliance of the far left with the far right against Israel. 

When asked how there has been a sort of alliance between the far right and far left around the Isreal-Gaza situation despite fundamental differences, Kacper said," I would say that it comes from the fact that this extreme right-wing, which we are discussing so much in the context of, for example, the last elections in the European Parliament and not only these elections, elections in the United States, every subsequent election now in Europe, it should be noted that regarding the extreme the right wing is, I would say, an ideology that historically has built into it, as if in its DNA, incredible flexibility, ideological flexibility,". 

Listen to the full podcast (in Polish): 


Sojusz skrajnej lewicy ze skrajną prawicą przeciw Izraelowi - jak to możliwe?