On Tuesday 25 August, ICCT welcomed a delegation from the Indonesian National Counter-Terrorism Agency BNPT (Indonesian: Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Terrorisme). The delegation was led by BNPT Chief Commissioner General (Police) Saud Usman Nasution.
One of the main tasks of BNPT, as a national coordinating agency reporting directly to the president, is to formulate a national strategy, policy and programme in counter-terrorism. BNPT is currently in the process of producing a blueprint on national strategy for protection and security of vital government infrastructures, public places, and tourist destinations light of recent terrorist attacks.
In addition to the delegation, this constructive meeting was attended by ICCT Director Mark Singleton, ICCT Research Fellows Edwin Bakker and Tanya Mehra, Global Counterterrorism Forum Administrative Unit Team Leader Álvaro Pinto Scholtbach and Laura Lancée, Project Adviser at Leiden Law School – Van Vollenhoven Institute for Law. ICCT Programme Assistant Josien Schrijnemakers coordinated the visit.