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ICCT Releases its Annual Report 2023

15 Jul 2024

The Hague, 15 July 2024 - The International Centre for Counter-Terrorism (ICCT) released its Annual Report 2023 today. It offers a detailed overview of the organisation’s work last year, covering its various activities, notably: research, policy advice, capacity-building and public outreach.  

In 2023, ICCT achieved several important milestones. The organisation published 94 articles or reports, authored by over 100 scholars worldwide; and launched 10 new projects, as part of the 24 ongoing projects in the course of the year. Furthermore, ICCT released a new podcast series of four episodes on “The Global Politics of Counter-Terrorism”; and launched two new databases relevant to the work of counter-terrorism officials and researchers, the FTF Knowledge Hub and the Interlinkages Database

“This Annual Report emphasizes the dynamism of ICCT and its staff, as well as the significant impact of our work. It also confirms our commitment to certain values like transparency or gender equality”, said Thomas Renard, ICCT Director. 

ICCT also took over the editing and publishing of the leading academic journal Perspectives on Terrorism, in partnership with the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) at Leiden University and the Handa Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence (CSTPV) at the University of St Andrews.  

Finally, ICCT launched its new website and logo in February 2023, providing a user-friendly platform to access the organisation’s publications, capacity-building and policy-oriented activities, projects, and other services.  

“Through all these activities, and many more, ICCT is actively contributing to strengthening knowledge among key CT and P/CVE stakeholders. The expertise of ICCT’s staff is increasingly recognised and reputed worldwide, but we also succeed by mobilizing and maintaining a wide network of Associate Fellows, Visiting Fellows, Distinguished Fellows, and consultants”, Thomas Renard, ICCT Director, says in the Annual Report 2023. 

Founded in 2010, the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism is an independent think-and-do tank dedicated to shaping effective and evidence-based policies against terrorism and violent extremism, grounded in human rights and the rule of law.