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ICCT Associate Fellows Haroro J. Ingram and Craig Whiteside in War on the Rocks

September 27, 2017

On 27 September 2017, ICCT Associate Fellows Dr. Haroro J. Ingram and Dr Craig Whiteside wrote an article for War on the Rocks titled 'In Search of the Virtual Caliphate: Convenient Fallacy, Dangerous Distraction'. In their article, Ingram and Whiteside question the notion that the Islamic State is facing defeat and retreating to a 'virtual caliphate'. They argue that the popularity of the 'virtual caliphate' stems from the fact that IS has lost significant territory in the last year, and are being 'defeated'. However, they warn that 'the longevity of the Islamic State movement suggests that its conception of defeat is more than just rhetorical flourish.'

Read the full article here.