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ICCT Research Fellow Liesbeth van der Heide in Homeland Security's Podcast

November 15, 2017

On 13 November 2017, ICCT Research Fellow Liesbeth van der Heide appeared in the Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness's podcast, 'Intelligence. Unclassified'. It was the podcast's 46th episode titled, 'Children of the Caliphate - Young ISIS Returnees and the Reintegration Challenge'. The host, Dean Baratta, discussed Liesbeth's recent research paper she co-authored with Jip Geenen, 'Children of the Caliphate: Young IS Returnees and the Reintegration Challenge'.  They discussed how children should be dealt with as minors 'indoctrinated' by IS and how they can be reintegrated.

Listen to the podcast.