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Ongoing Projects

Summer Programmes

About the project

Extra body

Since the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001, the world has witnessed a significant intensification of predominantly repressive counter-terrorism measures, both on a national and international level. Widespread consensus is now emerging that instead of solely prosecuting terrorists after the event, terrorism requires an emphasis on prevention. Hence, governments have made considerable investments to support and coordinate the struggle against violent extremism and have broadened legal regimes to allot those actors responsible for preventing terrorism special and increased powers. What are the ramifications of this shift in focus to preventing attack for the international legal framework in which governments and counter-terrorism actors operate? Has the nature of the threat of terrorism changed over the last decade? To what extent is the current set of legal mechanisms and policy measures in sync with the contemporary threat? What are the key human rights challenges and trends in (counter-) terrorism?

What We Offer

Online Summer Programmes

ICCT, along with the T.M.C. Asser Instituut and the Leiden University Centre for Professional Learning, has been organising advanced summer programmes in The Hague on countering terrorism in the post-9/11 world and on preventing, detecting and responding to the violent extremist threat. These two programmes are designed to be complementary. 



Our Goal

The objective of these unique Summer Programmes is to provide participants with a deepened understanding of the phenomena of violent extremism, radicalisation and terrorism, the contemporary methods to counter it and the applicable international legal framework.

Target Audience

This is the first Hague-based tailor-made programme for professionals and graduate students with an academic or professional background in areas such as law, security studies, international relations, conflict studies and law enforcement, who are interested in pursuing careers in counter-terrorism and related fields of work.

Additional Information

For more information on the Summer Programme, contact us via email.
