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In the media: Thomas Renard on Isreal's strategy against Hamas

May 27, 2024

On Monday,  27th May 2024, Thomas Renard was interviewed by German daily newspaper Tagesspiegel on Israel's current strategy against Hamas. 

"According to observers, it looks anything but good for Israel. The army is apparently still a long way from the complete destruction of Hamas. At least if the information provided by the US intelligence services is correct. According to the report, only 30 to 35 per cent of Hamas fighters have been eliminated so far. (...) In addition, 65 per cent of the Islamists' tunnel network – a decisive factor for the survival of the terrorist organisation in the Gaza Strip – is said to be intact", the media outlet wrote. 

"If the figures are actually correct, they are an indictment of the Israeli military strategy in the Gaza Strip. Because the low success rate is in stark contrast to the massive collateral damage in the Gaza Strip," Thomas Renard is quoted. 

"It is not clear how Israel intends to defeat Hamas. "But the current strategy is doomed to failure," Renard said. 

Read the full article (In German): 

Viele zivile Opfer und kampfbereite Islamisten: Verliert Israel den Krieg gegen die Hamas?