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In the media: Tanya Mehra on the recent RCMP arrests of alleged Hitmen accused of Killing B.C. Sikh leader

May 03, 2024

On Friday, May 3rd 2024, the Canadian television network Global News interviewed Tanya Mehra on the RCMP arrests of alleged hitmen accused of having killed B.C. Sikh leader.

"India’s alleged decision to conduct targeted killings may stem from a changed view of the Khalistan threat under Modi", said Mehra. "The Modi government feels its security concerns are not taken seriously by countries like Canada", the article continued, "and it likely believed it could get away with it, since states are rarely held to account for transnational killings. New Delhi also sees itself as a growing regional power, sought out by Western countries looking for a partner in Asia amid growing concerns about China.” 

Read the full article: 

RCMP arrests alleged hitmen accused of killing B.C. Sikh leader