Daan Weggemans
Daan Weggemans is a Research Fellow at ICCT and a researcher at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) at Leiden University/Campus The Hague. In his research, Daan Weggemans focusses on processes of (de)radicalisation and re-integration. He studied, among others, the radicalisation and preparatory processes of Dutch Foreign Fighters. Currently he is researching re-integration of (former) extremist detainees. For his projects Daan interviewed dozens of security professionals and multiple (former) violent extremists and their peers. Earlier publications also focused on new counter-terrorism measures and, with his colleagues, on an in-depth study of the Anders Breivik trial in Oslo. Daan is also the country coordinator for the Terrorism Research Initiative (TRI) and a member of the board of the Dutch-Flemish Network for Terrorism Researchers.
Key Publications:
Entenmann, E., Van der Heide, L., Weggemans, D. and J. Dorsey. “Rehabilitation for Foreign Fighters? Relevance, Challenges and Opportunities for the Criminal Justice Sector”, The International Centre for Counter-Terrorism - The Hague 6, no. 5 (2015).
Bakker, E., Grol, P. and D. Weggemans. "De leefwereld and denkbeelden van Nederlandse en Belgische Syriëgangers". Internationale Spectator, Vol. 68, no. 12, pp. 14-20, 2015.
De Graaf, B. and D. Weggemans. "Na de vrijlating. Een exploratieve studie naar recidive en re-integratie van jihadistische ex-gedetineerden". (On the re-integration of extremist detainees). Politie en Wetenschap/Reed Business, 2015.
Bakker, E., Grol, P. and D. Weggemans. "Who are they and Why do they go?". Perspectives on Terrorism, Vol.8, no. 4, pp.100-111, 2014.
Weggemans, D. ’Reintegration of suspected Extremist offenders’. Openbaar Bestuur, January 2014, pp. 8-12.
De Graaf, B., van der Heide, L., Wanmaker, S. and D. Weggemans. “The Anders Behring Breivik Trial: Performing Justice, Defending Democracy”. The International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – The Hague 4, no. 6 (2013).
Boeke, S. and D. Weggemans. "Destination Jihad: Why Syria and not Mali?", Perspectives, The International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – The Hague 4, 2013.
De Graaf, B., Van der Heide, L., Wanmaker, S. and D. Weggemans. "The 22nd of July Trial Reaches its Final Stage", Perspectives, The International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – The Hague 2, 2012.
Follow Daan in Twitter @DaanWeggemans