In this fifth and last episode, we speak to Ian Moss, Deputy Coordinator for the Bureau of Counterterrorism at the US State Department, overseeing Countering Violent Extremism and Terrorist Detentions.
Mr Moss describes the threat landscape today and how anti-institutional extremism fits into this. He expands on violent extremism motivated by racial and ethnic issues (REMVE), by the loss of faith in government and key institutions such as health. He analyses how the U.S. is trying to counter anti-institutional extremism and how it could work with its European partners to address it better.
About this series
“Anti-Institutional Extremism: Causes and Responses” is an ICCT podcast series that explores forms of extremism that oppose the government and the perceived oppression from a globalised elite, often fueled by conspiracy narratives and disinformation. This series analyses what anti-institutional extremism looks like in North America and Europe today, and how it can be addressed and countered — through conversations with practitioners, academics, and policy-makers.