Sofia Zavagli
Sofia Zavagli is a former Research Fellow at ICCT. In this capacity she is contributing to a project on the foreign fighter phenomenon and the relevant policies in the EU member states.
Sofia works as Project Assistant in the Security and Terrorism division of the Clingendael Institute where she previously held an Internship position working on counter-terrorism (CT) and counter violent extremism (CVE) strategies in Kenya. Prior to joining Clingendael, Sofia interned in the Security and Defence Programme of the International Affairs Institute (IAI) in Rome and in the al-Qaida and Taliban Analytical and Sanctions Monitoring Team at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.
Sofia holds a BA in Oriental Studies from La Sapienza University in Rome and a MA in International Relations from Ca' Foscari University in Venice. During her studies, she spent a semester at al-Quds University in Palestine and a year at the Université de Liège in Belgium.
E-mail: szavagli@clingendael.nl