Elizabeth Grimm
Dr. Elizabeth Grimm is an Associate Professor of Teaching in the Security Studies Program in the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University. She is the author of How the Gloves Came Off: Lawyers, Policy Makers, and Norms in the Debate on Torture (Columbia University Press 2017) and the co-author of Terror in Transition: Leadership and Succession in Terrorist Organizations (Columbia University 2022). Her work has been published in Survival, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, as well as Lawfare, The Washington Post, and Just Security. Prior to her employment at Georgetown University, she worked in the defense and security sectors of the U.S. government.
Key ICCT Publications: Bacon, T., and Grimm, E. What Leadership Type will Succeed Al-Qaeda's al-Zawahiri? Perspective, The International Centre for Counter-Terrorism, 15 July 2022.