Elaine Pressman
Dr. Elaine Pressman is an Associate Fellow at ICCT, involved in the Intake and Risk Assessment Project. She is a Senior Research Fellow at the Canadian Centre for Intelligence and Security Studies at the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada and a Subject Matter Expert and Senior Fellow in risk and threat assessment at the Critical Incidents Response Group (CIRG), US Federal Bureau of Investigation, Quantico, Va.
Dr. Pressman received her B.A from the University of Manitoba, Canada (Political Science and Philosophy), and M.A. and PhD. (1971) degrees from The Ohio State University, USA (Behavioural and Communication Sciences). She studied under the renowned Defence Scientist, Prof. Dr. John W. Black who was a Regent's Professor and a leader in the United States in defence research and applied communications science.
Dr. Pressman completed post-doctoral work in the Department of Psychology at Carleton University, Ottawa Canada and also studied at the Jung Institute of Analytical Psychology in Zurich. She subsequently embarked on a career spanning over 35 years that included academic teaching, research, clinical practice and a government advisory role in Canada, the United States, Australia, Oceania, and Europe.
She has been an adviser to government officials on four continents in the area of risk assessment and security issues and is a recognised expert in the development, training and implementation of risk analysis and assessment approaches relevant to counter-terrorism initiatives. In addition to her professional, academic and research roles, she has served in a senior representational capacity at international fora and served in a consular role for over a decade. She has been appointed to ministerial advisory boards, served on national expert task forces, been designated an official delegate to international ministerial level meetings and has been a representative at an international political forum.
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