Adrian Shtuni
Adrian Shtuni is the CEO and Principal Consultant of Shtuni Consulting LLC. He consults for international organizations, academic institutions, think tanks, and private consulting firms in the United States, Europe, and Asia on preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE), counterterrorism (CT), political risk, and other transnational threats. He also designs and delivers P/CVE and CT training and capacity building programs to policy makers, researchers, civil society organizations, law enforcement officers, and media practitioners in different countries, implements country and regional projects in cooperation with local partners, and regularly provides commentary on security issues to media outlets in the U.S. and Europe.
Adrian Shtuni holds a M.Sc. in International Relations and Security from Georgetown University in Washington DC. and has previously held positions with the United Nations Mission in Kosovo, the Academy for Conflict Management and Peacebuilding at the U.S. Institute of Peace, and various private consulting firms.
He has authored numerous studies on drivers and dynamics of violent extremism, foreign terrorist fighters, the rehabilitation and reintegration of returning foreign terrorist fighters and their family members, the role of civil society in P/CVE, community-oriented policing for P/CVE, the nexus between organized crime and terrorism, institutional reform and capacity building in post-conflict environments, etc.
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Shtuni, A. Rehabilitation and Reintegration Path of Kosovar Minors and Women Repatriated from Syria. International Republican Institute. September 2021.
Shtuni, A. The Reintegration Imperative: Child Returnees in Western Balkans. Resolve Network. Washington DC. February 2020.
Shtuni, A. Sentencing Trends for Repatriated Islamic State Militants in the Western Balkans. Janes. London, UK. September 2020.
Shtuni, A. Western Balkans Foreign Fighters and homegrown Jihadis: Trends and Implications. CTC Sentinel. West Point, NY. August 2019.
Shtuni, A. The Role of Civil Society in Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism and Radicalization that Leads to Terrorism: A Focus on South Eastern Europe. Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe. Vienna, Austria. October 2018.
Holmer, G. and Shtuni, A. Returning Foreign Fighters and the Reintegration Imperative. United States Institute of Peace. Washington, DC. March 2017.
Shtuni, A. Dynamics of Radicalization and Violent Extremism in Kosovo. United States Institute of Peace. Washington, DC. December 2016.
Shtuni, A. Black Market Supply and Demand: The Flow of Illegal Weapons from the Western Balkans to Islamist Militants in Western Europe. IHS Jane’s. London, UK. March 2016.
Shtuni, A. Ethnic Albanian Foreign Fighters in Iraq and Syria. CTC Sentinel. West Point, NY. April 2015.
Gerspacher and Shtuni, A. Lessons from MoDA: Continuing the Conversation on How to Advise Institution-building. PRISM. Washington, DC: National Defense University Press. June 2012.