About ICCT

The International Centre for Counter-Terrorism (ICCT) is a think-and-do tank based in The Hague, Netherlands. We provide research, policy advice, training and other solutions to support better counter-terrorism policies and practices worldwide. We also contribute to the scientific and public debates in the fields of counter-terrorism and countering violent extremism, notably through our publications and events.

We work with various governments, international organisations and international agencies. Our activities are global, with a focus over the past few years on Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

ICCT is an independent foundation that was established in 2010 by the T.M.C. Asser Institute, Leiden University’s Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA), and Clingendael Institute, as a result of an initiative originating in the Dutch parliament (motion Çörüz, April 2008).

Mission and Values

We envision a world where societies are resilient to radicalisation and polarisation, and where citizens are protected by effective responses to terrorism and violent extremism that are grounded in human rights and the rule of law.   

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Annual Reports

ICCT provides an overview of its most important activities in its annual reports, highlighting some of its major achievements. Annual Reports include information on staff, publications and other activities, as well as outreach and financial issues.

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ICCT activities are mainly organised around our three programmes, which cover the vital pillars of effective counter-terrorism: the rule of law, prevention, and threat assessment.


Rule of Law Responses to Terrorism

In the last two decades, governments have increasingly adopted legislation that criminalizes the preparation, facilitation and incitement of terrorism — as well as a range of administrative measures such as watchlists and the deprivati… of nationality. Some of these efforts pose serious challenges to human rights and the rule of law. By ensuring that counter-terrorism laws and measures are grounded in the rule of law and respect human rights, policymakers and practitioners can maximise effectiveness, reduce the likelihood of counterproductive consequences, and improve prosecution outcomes while upholding the rights of victims, witnesses and the accused.

Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE)

Security-dominated responses to violent extremism have proven insufficient to counter and prevent its spread. Evidence and experience have shown that strategic, comprehensive, and holistic approaches can wield a far greater – and more lasting – impact on the prevention and countering of violent extremism. At the heart of P/CVE is the need to address the myriad of factors that can fuel violent extremism, including discrimination and marginalisation, poor governance and lack of accountability of the state. For this reason, successful P/CVE approaches must be underpinned by – and in many cases actively work to strengthen – human rights and the rule of law in communities affected by terrorism and violent extremism.

Current and Emerging Threats

In order to prevent or counter terrorism and extremism, both CT policy-makers and front-line practitioners must be informed by evidence-based assessments of the various extremist threats they are facing. In order to provide such assessments, the Current and Emerging Threats programme studies the ideologies and tactics of a variety of terrorist and extremist actors. It covers jihadist terrorism as well as right-wing extremism and anti-government extremism, and examines, among other things, how such movements form, what their beliefs are, how they try to achieve their goals, and where they are getting their support. In doing so, it develops up-to-date insights into the ever-changing dynamics of terrorism and extremism.

Monitoring & Evaluation Centre of Excellence

Struggling to measure the impact of your Counter-Terrorism (CT) and Preventing/Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE) efforts? ICCT's M&E Centre of Excellence bridges the gap between evidence and practice. We connect policymakers, practitioners, and others working in CT and P/CVE through training, research, and evaluation support to boost the effectiveness of your initiatives and maximise the impact of your resources. Learn more and join us in transforming evaluation cultures, advancing evidence-based decision-making, and strengthening CT and P/CVE efforts. 


Our expertise


We contribute to scholarly debates through our publications, informed notably by our insights with the policy and practitioners’ communities.We contribute to scholarly debates through our publications, informed notably by our insights with the policy and practitioners’ communities.

We contribute to scholarly debates through our publications, informed notably by our insights with the policy and practitioners’ communities.


We facilitate policy discussions, help develop policy frameworks, and offer tailored recommendations to policy-makers.

We facilitate policy discussions, help develop policy frameworks, and offer tailored recommendations to policy-makers.

Good Practices Development

We help develop and draft good practices documents, manuals and other resources for practitioners.

We help develop and draft good practices documents, manuals and other resources for practitioners.

Training & Capacity-Building

We develop and deliver trainings and other activities around the world to build CT and P/CVE capacity and knowledge. 

We develop and deliver trainings and other activities around the world to build CT and P/CVE capacity and knowledge.

Public debate

We inform public discussions with regard to major developments in the field of terrorism and counter-terrorism, through our media interventions and public events.

We inform public discussions with regard to major developments in the field of terrorism and counter-terrorism, through our media interventions and public events.


ICCT does not accept unsolicited/spontaneous applications whether received by email or post. Only applications submitted for specific published vacancies will be taken into consideration