Liesbeth van der Heide works at the Municipality of The Hague, coordinating the approach to Prevention, Polarisation and Radicalisation. Additionally, she is an assistant professor at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA), Leiden University in the field of terrorism and counter-terrorism and the rehabilitation and reintegration of violent extremist offenders in and after prison. Finally, she is an  Associate Research Fellow at the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism (ICCT).

Her fields of interest are: terrorism and stability in the Sahel (Mali); the overlap and fusion of (non)violent jihadist, separatist and rebel movements; (de)radicalisation and reintegration; and effective counter-terrorism. She currently coordinates a two-year research project for the National Coordinator for Counter-Terrorism and Security (NCTV) regarding the effectiveness of the reintegration of terrorists in the Netherlands. She teaches Master-level courses on Security and Intelligence and Security and the Rule of Law. Previously, she managed several research projects, including research for the Dutch National Police (KLPD) on lone actor terrorism; research for the General Intelligence and Security Service in the Netherlands regarding a fear-management based approach to counter-terrorism; and a research project for the Ministry of Security and Justice on the integrity-crime nexus. In 2013, she was a Research Fellow at the Onati International Institute for the Sociology of Law. She is a member of the Dutch Flemish Network for Radicalization and Terrorism Research.


Van der Heide, Liesbeth, Edoardo Balardo, and Elena Dal Santo (2019 forthcoming), The usual suspects: foreign intervention and governance structures in Mali, Journal of Modern African Studies.

Van der Heide, Liesbeth, and Bart Schuurman (2018), Reintegrating Terrorists in the Netherlands: Evaluating the Dutch approach, Journal for Deradicalization, Vol: 19, No: 17, pp. 196-238.

Van der Heide, Liesbeth, & Schuurman B.W. (2018), Re-Integratie van delinquenten met een extremistische achtergrond: evaluatie van de Nederlandse aanpak (Institute of Security and Global Affairs, Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs, Leiden University), Den Haag: Institute of Security and Global Affairs.

Schuurman, B.W., and L.  van der Heide. “Foreign Fighter Returnees & the Reintegration Challenge“, Centre of Excellence, Radicalisation Awareness Network (2016).

Van der Heide, L. and R. Huurman. “Suburban Bliss or Disillusionment – Why Do Terrorists Quit?” Journal for Deradicalization, no. 8, (2016).

Bjorgo, T., de Graaf, B. van der Heide, L., C. Hemmingby and D. Weggemans. “Performing Justice, Coping with Trauma: The Trial of Anders Breivik, 2012” in Terrorists on Trial: A Performative Perspective. Leiden: Leiden University Press, (2016).  

De Graaf, B., van der Heide, L., and A. Schmid. Terrorists on Trial: a Performative Perspective. Leiden: Leiden University Press, (2015).

Geenen, J. and L. van der Heide. “Preventing Terrorism in the Courtroom – The Criminalisation of Preparatory Acts of Terrorism in the Netherlands” Security and Human Rights 26, (2015), pp. 162-192.

Van Buuren, J. and L. van der Heide. “Introduction to Preventism in Security” Security and Human Rights 26, (2015) pp. 123-125.

Van der Heide, L. “Cherry-Picked Intelligence. The Weapons of Mass Destruction Dispositive as a Legitimation for National Security in the Post 9/11 Age“, Historische Sozialforschung / Historical Social Resarch 38, no. 1 (2013), pp. 286-307.

Bakker, E., de Graaf, B., van der Heide, L., de Hoog, M. and L. van der Varst. “Onderzoek naar de maatschappelijke effecten van bestuurlijk optreden bij terreurdreiging en extreem geweld“. Onderzoeksrapport in opdracht van Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties, (2012).

Van der Heide, L. and L. van der Varst. “Beperken van maatschappelijke onrust bij terroristische dreiging en extreem geweld“, Magazine Nationale Veiligheid en Crisisbeheersing 10, No. 4, (2012).

Media Appearances:

De Morgen, interview over inval Turkije in Syrie en implicaties voor terugkeerders, 15 October 2019,

Metro 14 October 2019, over ISIS na inval Turkije,

Radio interview Buro Buitenland over Mali en radicalisering,

Volkskrant, 21 juli 2019, interview over Malek F rechtszaak,

Nieuwsuur, 29 april 2019, over radicalisering en de-radicalisering,

NRC, 26 april 2019, over wat de Mali missie heeft opgeleverd,

Voice of America, 11 April 2019, interview on Mali and terrorism,

Trouw, 20 Maart 2019, over Gokmen T, mentale aandoeningen etc.,

MaxVandaag TV interview over aanslag Utrecht, 18 maart 2019,

BBC radio UK, interview over aanslag Utrecht, 18 maart 2019.

NRC, 9 januari 2019, over rehabilitatie terrorisme in NL,

RTL Nieuws, 8 December 2018, over terughalen IS-vrouwen en kinderen,

EenVandaag, 21 November 2018, over recidive terrorisme,


Selected publications16